11 Heroic Comic Book Characters More Powerful Than Superman

3. Gladiator (Marvel Comics)

Gladiator Marvel Gladiator beats Superman by virtue of the fact that he outclasses him in every single physical statistic. He doesn't really possess any powers that Superman doesn't possess - it's simply that the ones he does possess are on a different level to the man of steel. Between shattering planets with his fists as a strength feat, swimming through stars as a durability feat and moving through high end time-dilations which were bordering on being a timestop, on pure speed, as a speed feat, he is essentially Superman squared. On the occasion that he shattered the planet, Gladiator was angry as he passed a large mass in space. A lifeless, humongous planet that was described as having "weathered the death of galaxies" (meaning something that had destroyed the very galaxy around it wasn't powerful enough to destroy it) was in front of him. In his anger he smashed it to bits in one shot - essentially showing that he had the power to destroy something that a galaxy destroying event failed to destroy. Now that's raw power. Going back to Gladiator's speed; we all know that Superman is much faster than a bullet, but check this - Gladiator's thoughts go so fast that he can have a prolonged internal debate with himself, complete with extensive flashbacks, while he debates whether or not to bother casually stopping a high-tech bullet travelling across a city towards Vulcan that he's just watching come in. Seriously, that's the plot of an entire comic - Gladiator casually watching the bullet come in across a city and wondering if he should just let it kill the guy. Incredible.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.