11 Heroic Comic Book Characters More Powerful Than Superman

9. Martian Manhunter (DC Comics)

Martian Manhunter Martian Manhunter essentially has very similar physical statistics to Superman, but a whole load more powers that give him the overall edge. His strength is in the same ball park (though not quite up to Superman standards), given that he has done things like lift huge boulders, buildings and vessels, as well as having casually thrown people over 100 miles with perfect accuracy. His durability is on a similar level to Superman too, given that the two have exchanged blows before and taken them without any damage, while speed is also similar, given that Martian Manhunter has flown across a city to get in between a man and some bullets in the time it takes the bullets to get even halfway, given that he has flown around the world and smashed several giant machines then speedblitzed some White martians in the time it took someone to draw breath. Most importantly, speed wise, he has flown alongside Superman, going at full speed, and kept up comfortably. But, given that their speed is on a par, it's the fact that Martian Manhunter has powers that can be operated with a single thought that puts him above Superman. If the two fought, while Superman would have to launch a physical attack on Martian Manhunter (whether that be flying towards him to attack him or firing a heat vision blast at him), he would merely have to think once to make himself completely intangible and therefore immune to anything Superman could do to him and then, whilst intangible, he could telepathically assault Superman. Martian Manhunter has the telepathic power to control thousands of minds at any one time. Martian Manhunter also has healing that is on a par with Wolverine's (he has been turned to goo and full regenerated in seconds), telekinesis (so he can thrown Superman around from afar without even touching him) and the same kind of super-breath and heat vision that Superman has.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.