11 Heroic Comic Book Characters More Powerful Than Superman

5. Wally West (DC Comics)

Flash Wally West beats Superman on speed alone. Fact. But the fact that he also has a whole host of other powers to boot ensures his victory over the man of steel. To put Wally West's speed in to perspective, know this; When West learned that a large bomb was about to detonate in a city centre, at the moment of explosion, he evacuated half a million people to a safe point outside the bomb's range, one person at a time, in ten picoseconds. That is insanely fast - far faster than Superman could ever even think of thinking, let alone moving. So, if the two were to ever have an all-out brawl, Wally could do whatever he needed to do before Superman ever realised that he was in a fight - and given the other things that Wally can do, that means the fight would be over before it even began. Wally West can steal the speed of other people, so he could turn Superman in to a stationary statue in an instant. There's one thing he could do. Wally West can time travel, so he could dump Superman one hundred years in the past in an instant and then return to the present, having left the man of steel there. There's another thing he could do. But in terms of actually fighting to defeat Superman, Wally West possesses a punch known as the IMP (the infinite mass punch) - an attack which hits with the power of a dwarf star. That would knock Superman clean out. He can also vibrate through objects and vibrate their molecules, causing them to explode. If he did that to Superman, the Kryptonian would blow in to a million pieces before he could react. There are actually other powers that the Speed Force grants, but I shouldn't really need to mention any more to prove this point...
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.