12 Most Anticipated Comics Coming In 2018

7. Amazing Spider-Man #979

Green Goblin Amazing Spider-Man 797
Marvel Comics/Alex Ross

Release Date: March 7

It's almost a decade since Dan Slott first took the reigns on Spider-Man in 2009, and however you feel about the writer's run on the character, his eventual departure from the series is bound to be one of 2018's biggest comic book moments.

Billed as the writer's most terrifying story yet, the solicits for the book state that Slott "has saved his most harrowing Spider-Man story for last", seemingly confirming that he is in fact departing the franchise.

A world without Slott's Spidey is certainly an interesting one to contemplate, especially since the writer has taken some bold decisions with the character since he initially signed on for the role, most notably in the thirty issues where the series was retitled 'Superior Spider-Man' - an arc where Doctor Octopus took over as the series' lead.

With Silver Surfer having ended last year, it'll be interesting to see where the writer heads next. In any case, his exit from the wall-crawler is one Spidey fans won't want to miss, especially since it marks the return of the Green Goblin to the forefront of the web-slinger's rogues gallery.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.