12 Most Dangerous X-Men

1. ForgetMeNot

Colossus X-Men
Marvel Comics

You may not have heard of ForgetMeNot, or if you have, you may have very easily forgotten him. And that's exactly the point.

ForgetMeNot has the all-too-relatable mutant power of being instantly forgettable. As soon as he leaves your direct line of vision, you automatically forget that you ever saw him, met him, or ever had any interaction with him. The truth is, he's been a member of the X-Men for years, and gone on multiple missions with them, but his power is so strong that even the real-world writers and artists forget he exists and don't always draw him into the stories.

It should be obvious why this is one of the most potentially dangerous powers in the entire canon of X-Men. ForgetMeNot has every opportunity to do anything he wants and face absolutely no consequences. He could slap Beast in the face and he'd never know it. He could steal Wolverine's wallet and get away with it. He could assassinate any world leader and walk around as a free man forever. It's very difficult to convict someone of a crime if they exist in a state of constant existential superposition.

Thankfully for the X-Men, and the wider Marvel Universe, ForgetMeNot's powers have humbled him, rather than tempted him to the dark side. Although he has one of the most dangerous abilities, he is one of the most morally upstanding mutants, happy to constantly do the right thing despite never being noticed for it.

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Jimmy Kavanagh is an Irish writer and co-founder of Club Valentine Comedy, a Dublin-based comedy collective. You can hear him talk to his favourite comedians about their favourite comics on his podcast, Comics Swapping Comics.