12 Most Dangerous X-Men

11. Jean Grey

Colossus X-Men
Marvel Comics

Surprise, surprise, Jean Grey made it onto a list of the most dangerous X-Men! Although her inclusion seems almost too obvious, it really wouldn't be a definitive list of dangerous mutants without the one who has inadvertently caused more death and destruction than any other.

One of the most interesting things about Jean is the fact that she is one of the original five X-Men, so it's surprising that she's been transformed into a villain so many times. Beginning her superhero career as Marvel Girl, she was Professor X's favourite of the gifted youngsters (but more on that later).

It wasn't long before the editors realised that Marvel Girl was a bit of a lame name, and that she wore a bit of a lame costume. So, Jean Grey was re-branded as Phoenix, and thus was born the favourite recurring trope of almost every X-Men writer: Jean Grey turns evil.

When her body was taken over by the Phoenix Force, her already impressive mutant powers were amplified to the point that she could kill billions of innocent people in an instant. The Phoenix Force also corrupted her, causing her to live up to this potential and literally kill billions of innocent people in an instant.

The Dark Phoenix Saga is one of the most famous arcs in comic book history, but it is not the only time Jean Grey broke bad. Who could forget her reign as the ghoulish Goblin Queen? Yes, Jean Grey was once the Queen of all Goblins. Sounds dangerous!

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Jimmy Kavanagh is an Irish writer and co-founder of Club Valentine Comedy, a Dublin-based comedy collective. You can hear him talk to his favourite comedians about their favourite comics on his podcast, Comics Swapping Comics.