12 Most Iconic Battles In Comics

7. Hulk vs. Thing

Marvel Comics/Jack Kirby

From: Fantastic Four #25-26

While these two Marvel powerhouses initially crossed paths in Fantastic Four #11, their first truly epic battle took place about a year or so later in Fantastic Four #25-26.

Prior to this confrontation, the Hulk and the Thing were both considered Marvel€™s two strongest, most unbeatable heroes. Having the two of them lay into each other over the span of two gloriously illustrated Jack Kirby issues was the epitome of a comic book €œdream match,€ and would go a long way in settling the score as to who was the mightiest Marvel of them all.

In this story, an enraged Hulk, who is smashing through New York City after finding out that he has been replaced on the Avengers, proves to be stronger than the Thing. Despite acknowledging that he is overwhelmed, the Thing remains persistent, chasing after the Hulk in hopes of slowing down his rampage. For the first time in Fantastic Four history, the Thing evokes the name of his Aunt Petunia, when he says the only way the Hulk can stop him is by killing him.

Fortunately for Thing fans from Yancy Street and beyond, the Hulk doesn'€™t kill him. Instead, the battle ends anti-climatically when the Hulk is thrown into nearby water and he changes back into his Bruce Banner human form. But the Hulk and Thing would square off again in the future €“at least a dozen more times in fact €“proving how commercially successful this battle was for Marvel.

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Mark is a professional writer living in Brooklyn and is the founder of the Chasing Amazing Blog, which documents his quest to collect every issue of Amazing Spider-Man, and the Superior Spider-Talk podcast. He also pens the "Gimmick or Good?" column at Comics Should Be Good blog.