13 Most Powerful Supervillains In DC & Marvel History

2. Brainiac (Convergence)

While the Beyonder gradually slid downward in power, Brainiac moved in the other direction. A well-known Superman villain, Brainiac spent most of his existence losing fights to the Man of Steel. In Convergence, the Brainiacs of various alternate universes... wait for it... converged, leaving an Ultra-Brainiac so powerful that apparently he could manipulate universes like they were action figures. He then started collecting the refugees from various forgotten universes in domes, then just opening up the domes to see what would happen. Science. This version of Brainiac is the only villain on this list to fully reform, ultimately deciding to restore the timelines he toyed with. This means that almost everything DC Comics ever published is now canonical again, so your old comics are back to being worth something. It also means DC's latest mega-crossover epic ended with the bad guy saying "on the other hand, maybe not" and giving the heck up, but let's focus on the bright side.

T Campbell has written quite a few online comics series and selected work for Marvel, Archie and Tokyopop. His longest-running works are Fans, Penny and Aggie-- and his current project with co-writer Phil Kahn, Guilded Age.