15 Emotional Comic Book Moments That Made Us Shed A Tear

5. Peter Rasputin Loses His Sister


Peter Rasputin, better known to comic book fans as the metallic mutant Colussus, is the quintessential €œgentle giant€ of Marvel comics. Despite being very tall and incredibly powerful, he is typically characterised as being quiet, shy and a bit of a pacifist. Because of the character€™s innocence, the death of Peter'€™s sister Illyana to the Legacy Virus in Uncanny X-Men #303 feels all the more sad and tragic.

On a team of complex heroes and anti-heroes like Wolverine and Cyclops, Colussus was the last mutant reader's would ever wish pain and suffering on. As if Illyana€™'s death by itself wasn'€™t enough to bring a tear to the eye, writer Scott Lobdell and artist Richard Bennett deliver a beautifully crafted issue-ending sequence between Jubilee and Jean Grey that is utterly heart wrenching.

Because Colussus is stunned into silence by Illyana€™'s death, Lobdell and Bennett use Jubilee to emote feelings of grief and despair. The young mutant is comforted by Jean €-“ certainly a character that knows a thing or two about death €-“ who tells her €œJubilee, "we come into the world alone, €and we leave the same way".€ If the tenderness of that line of dialogue doesn'€™t open the floodgates for a reader, then there€™'s no telling what will.

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Mark is a professional writer living in Brooklyn and is the founder of the Chasing Amazing Blog, which documents his quest to collect every issue of Amazing Spider-Man, and the Superior Spider-Talk podcast. He also pens the "Gimmick or Good?" column at Comics Should Be Good blog.