15 Greatest DC Comic Book Villains Of All Time

13. Black Manta

For a very long time, Aquaman was considered a joke by many comic book fans despite numerous attempts by DC to get their readers to take him seriously. However, that all changed during The New 52 reboot, and one of his cheesier villains also got an awesome makeover when Geoff Johns pitted Aquaman against Black Manta. Aquaman actually killed the his father by mistake years earlier, and desperate for revenge, Black Manta made it his aim to wipe out all of the hero's friends and family. Proving to be more than a match for Aquaman in battle, this unique and fearsome looking character has since established himself as one of his greatest foes and has taken on a much bigger role in the DC Universe after refusing to join the Suicide Squad, but taking on Earth-3's Crime Syndicate alongside Lex Luthor and Bizarro.
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