15 Greatest Superman Villains Of All Time

14. Parasite

A villain with a few different origin stories, the basic premise of Parasite is always the same; he's exposed to strange, radioactive materials and ends up becoming this vampiric monster as a result. He needs to feed on energy to live, and as he can drain the life energy from others, that obviously makes Superman the perfect target to help Parasite keep going, and leaves the Man of Steel significantly weaker afterwards. As well as being a dangerous physical threat, Parasite's touch also means he saps the memories of his victims, so he's one of only a small handful of villains to have learned Superman's secret identity. It's lucky for Clark Kent then that Parasite doesn't really care, but as someone who can drain Superman's powers and frequently targets his family, he's a bad guy who most definitely shouldn't be underestimated.
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