15 Greatest Superman Villains Of All Time

12. Toyman

While he may have initially been introduced as a comedic character (something which stuck with him for years), Toyman has since shown himself to be one of Superman's most deadly foes. Sure, he may spend his time building toys which are more homicidal than huggable, but Toyman has also put together vast mechanical constructs with the kind of power which has ended up testing even the Man of Steel's endurance. Completely deranged, Winslow Schott has also created a number of robotic doppelgängers, one of which murdered Cat Grant's son. During the New Krypton storyline (which featured the return of Kandor and 100,000 Kryptonians), Toyman was actually the one responsible for triggering the bomb which killed all of the city's inhabitants, including Supergirl's mother. That alone makes him one of the most dastardly bad guys here.
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