15 Lamest Superheroes Of All Time

7. Matter Eater Lad

The hilariously-named Matter Eater Lad is up there with the lamest of the lame. A member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, he came from the planet Bismoll where all of the food substances contained particles that made them inedible, causing the inhabitants to evolve an ability to eat all matter as a survival mechanism. His abilities were many: not only could he eat solid matter, but liquid and gas as well. Imagine that? Being able to eat, drink and inhale? If only everyone could do that. He could even taste things in the food he ate - show me a scientific process that analyses the chemical components of a substance. What do you mean, there are hundreds? Matter Eater Lad didn't possess any super strength, but the enzymes in his stomach were more powerful than you could possibly imagine. It's slightly ironic that his home planet shares its name with something he'd probably need to take after suffering the intense indigestion that comes with munching on stuff you're not really supposed to eat. Matter Eater Lad wasn't the only Bismollian in the DC Universe: Calorie Queen also tried to join the Legion of Super-Heroes, but was rejected after they decided they only needed one guy that could eat stuff real good.

Simon Spowart hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.