15 Little Known Facts About The Green Lantern Corps

10. The Reason Why The Lanterns Are Weak To The Colour Yellow

Black Canary Green Lantern
DC Comics

For many decades, the Green Lantern Corps was ridiculed for its inability to affect anything that was yellow in colour, but it turns out that this weakness was far deeper than was initially believed. It was revealed in the Green Lantern Rebirth storyline that the Guardians imprisoned the fear entity Parallax inside the Central Power Battery (the Lanterns' source of power).

This act creates the "Yellow Impurity", thus rendering the Power Rings ineffective against yellow. This is doubly true when it is revealed that fear is the opposite of willpower as far as the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum is concerned.

Fortunately, the parasitic creature was purged from the Battery and the Lanterns' weak sauce weakness was a thing of the past. The timing was especially prudent as shortly after this happened, the Sinestro Corps War began.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.