15 Times Comics Eerily Predicted The Future‏

12. Uncle Sam Knew About Pearl Harbour

Now this one is weird. National Comics was a shamelessly patriotic title released by Quality Comics (later bought up by DC), so it stands to reason its flagship character would be Uncle Sam himself. Now, the US had yet to enter the war, but had been covertly showing solidarity with its friendly nations in comic books - the same year saw Captain America Comics #1, with Cap punching Hitler in the face on the cover - and National Comics was no different. Uncle Sam was the embodiment of everything good about America, so naturally he would fight against evil in all its forms. In one particular issue, that evil happened to take the form of an attack on Pearl Harbour. That's not the attack on Pearl Harbour, by the way, since this comic came out before the real-life events that finally shoved the States into the war. In fact it came out just one month before, in November of 1941. Now, it's not the most out-there idea - the Pacific Fleet was an obvious target for attack - and some of the details were different - it was the Germans rather than the Japanese that attack - but the timing is downright bizarre.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/