20 Best Comic Covers Of 2014

8. Teen Titans #5 By Darwyn Cooke

The New 52 has changed things a lot for the DC Universe, with an editorial edict apparently demanding that no character can ever be happy or have fun. Seriously, head honcho Dan DiDio was behind he decision that Batwoman couldn't get married to her long-term girlfriend. Not because of homophobia, but because he genuinely is of the opinion that no superhero should have a happy or simple romantic life. Between that and the countless dystopian futures that see heroes having their arms ripped off left and right, the current state of the DCU is one that's fantastically dark, cynical and decidedly not for kids.
This year saw superstar artist Darwyn Cooke returning to DC for the first time in years for a line-wide series of variant covers that hearkened back to the more innocent, less arm-ripping time for superhero comics. That included stuff like Batman napping whilst Alfred puts a blanket over him, Superman actually smiling, Aquaman kissing his lady in the surf, and this rocking Teen Titans cover that sees the teen superhero band as a band jamming with Gotham City on the horizon. Which, compared to the terrible mess that actually awaits in Teen Titans nowadays, would actually be preferable.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/