20 Best Comic Covers Of 2014

19. She-Hulk #5 By Kevin Wada

Sadly due to be one of the unfortunate titles caught up in Marvel's next culling of underselling books, Jessica Walters managed to break out of being simply a gender-swapped version of her big angry cousin fairly quickly, setting herself up as the polar opposite of a mindless thug: she became a defence lawyer. Despite the solid premise of a superhero lawyer her solo books rarely last, with the latest run being particularly inspired with actual practising attorney Charles Soule on writing duties and Javier Pulido's wonderful, colourful artwork.
Kevin Wada, meanwile, has become on of the most sought-after artists in the industry. Understandably, because his work combines a similarly hyper-real look to Phil Noto's with beautiful watercolours and an eye for clothing and fashion. Both Wada and Pulido nailed something about She-Hulk that people rarely do: the proportions. People usually just draw her as your usual swimsuit model superheroine, when in fact she's supposed to be, y'know, a Hulk. She's big. She's muscley. She's strong. He also nails the facial expression, the pose, and basically everything about this cover.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/