20 Best Comic Covers Of 2014

14. The Amazing Spider-Man #1 By Marcos Martin

For a hot minute there, it looked like we'd seen the last of Peter Parker. Not of your friendly neighbourhood wallcrawler, mind, since Dan Slott's Superior Spider-Man storyline saw the hero switching brains with the dying Doctor Octopus. The former villain deciding to rescind at least some of his previous dastardly ways in favour of doing his best to be a hundred times the hero his nemesis ever managed. Thus proving himself to be the Superior Spidey, see? It's about time he came back, as he did in this year's relaunched Amazing Spider-Man.
Peter was pretty pleased within the comic itself, and that sense of freedom and release is perfectly encapsulated in Marcos Martin's variant cover for the relaunched Amazing Spider-Man. Unlike any artist in a good long while - and with a single image, which makes it all the more impressive - Marcos Martin managed to captured the thrill, the freedom and the scale of swinging through New York City. With judicious use of colour, angle and some fish eye lens-style distortion of the figure at the centre of the image flinging himself at the Big Apple, plus that big old block of text, it's a pretty clear reintroduction to the norm after all that Superior nonsense.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/