20 Essential Comic Issues You Must Read Before You Die

11. Moon Knight #4

Batman Man Who Laughs Cover Joker
Marvel Comics

When Marvel relaunched Moon Knight they brought in writer Warren Ellis and artist Declan Shalvey to craft a series of six single-issue story.

Each issue was fabulously creative and could easily occupy this spot on the list, from #2's fantastic gimmick of each panel representing a window on a skyscraper to #5's brilliant The Raid homage.

However, in another case of personal preference, the spot is going to #4. Sleep sees Moon Knight travel into the strange mushroom-filled dreams of a sleep experiment group to save them from a deadly psychic entity.

It's a trippy and visually amazing story.

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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.