20 Essential Comic Issues You Must Read Before You Die

13. Daredevil #191

Batman Man Who Laughs Cover Joker
Marvel Comics

Frank Miller's run on Daredevil is legendary for the way it transformed the character from "Spiderman-Lite" into the dark and brooding vigilante we're familiar with now.

A lot of the series dealt with questions of morality and law, questions which came to a head in his final story Roulette.

After paralysing Bullseye as revenge for the death of Elektra, Daredevil visits him in hospital. He pulls out a revolver and begins playing a game of Russian roulette with the villain, all the while debating his stance on not-killing his villains.

It's a stunning character piece which ends on the perfect twist, Daredevil's gun was empty all along.

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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.