20 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Joker

12. Who Really Created The Clown Prince Of Crime?

The truth behind the creation of The Joker has been debated for years, and the debate rages on to this very day. Artist Jerry Robinson claims to have created the character after taking inspiration from a "Joker" playing card he found in his Bronx apartment. Batman creator Bob Kane meanwhile always insisted that he had nothing to do with it. As a result, it's hard to say who should be solely credited with bringing the now iconic villain to life in the 40s. However, Kane has at least acknowledged that playing card, but dismissed it as simply being used as a reference for a similar card to be featured in and on the covers of various Batman comic books. This sort of argument isn't all that different to the debate which rages on about the roles Stan Lee and artists like Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby played in creating certain Marvel characters. As a result, it appears as if arguments between writers and artists over who the true creators are will forever continue, but both no doubt played a role in at least laying the groundwork for what The Joker would become.

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