25 Most Powerful Cosmic Entities In Marvel Comics

2. The Fulcrum

The Fulcrum is a strange one. He is an ancient cosmic force that the likes of the Celestials, the Watchers and the Horde serve without question. He is almost as powerful as the One-Above-All himself - and this had led some people to believe that he might actually be a part of, an aspect of, or actually another name for and manifestation of the One-Above-All himself. Rather humorously, he's also the Bartender who runs "The Vestibule" - a funky little bar where Eternals go before they either return to a newly regenerated body or head off to Lacuna (their version of the afterlife). Although he may actually be the One-Above-All (and does indeed look somewhat like the late Marvel bigwig Jack Kirby), that's just a theory, so he has to be included separately. And that leads us to our rather predictable number one entry...

1. The One-Above-All

The One-Above-All (not to be confused with the Celestial of the same name) is THE supreme being of Marvel and the Living Tribunal's master. He is the only being in the entire Marvel multiverse with true omnipotence. When you think of "God" as the creator of all in the real world (if you are that way inclined), the One-Above-All is essentially Marvel's version of that supreme being. He is the reason everything in the Marvel multiverse exists - including every other character in this list - and, as such, he possesses every possible power you can imagine and he possesses it on a truly multiversal scale, allowing him to, quite literally, do anything he wants to do. He has actually interacted with some lesser characters on occasion, such as when the Fantastic Four travelled to the edge of existence and ended up in his realm. He took the form of the late Marvel artist, writer and editor Jack Kirby (another reason that leads some people to believe that he and the Fulcrum are one and the same) and he healed Reed Richards' horribly disfigured face. He also took the form of a homeless man and spoke to Spider-Man, telling him that he should be with his Aunt May as she was dying, trying to console him in the process by saying that death was natural. Peter did not listen to him. Honourable mentions for this list go to the likes of Odin, Surtur, Epoch, Ego the Living Planet, Thanos, the Runner, Jim Jaspers, Franklin Richards, Shuma Gorath and the early version of the Molecule Man who, at one point, would have been more powerful than nearly everyone on this list, but those guys either aren't powerful enough or aren't actually considered to be cosmic entities, despite being able to rumble with them (Franklin Richards, for example, made Galactus in to his own personal Herald! But, as he's actually just a very, very, very powerful mutant, he doesn't fit the bill for this list. And Shuma Gorath, for example, is a demon). So there you have it - the twenty-five most powerful cosmic entities in Marvel comics. Did you like this article? Do you agree with the entries on this list? Which other characters do you feel should have been included (cosmic entities only)? Let us know in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.