3 Best Features of Comic Cons Even if They Suck

1. Fans

The fans, like with anything, are what really make conventions special. I know people who like to make fun of fans who dress up, but that€™s not fair. First, these are people having fun. It€™s sad that we don€™t allow ourselves to play anymore. It€™s fine for children, but after a certain age, you aren€™t allowed to cut loose and have fun anymore. Do what'choo got to do! And speaking of children, it is so cool to see the look on a child's face when he or she sees their heroes, or villains, in real life. Many of the adults in attendance wanted to get pictures of the children just as much as the children wanted pictures of them. So AWE-some! Second, some of the people put a lot of money and effort into their costumes. Like this guy: http://youtu.be/_SLHU9CCe_Y He totally wins cosplay! In addition, there are people who put a lot of thought into their costumes, coming as characters or things you€™d never imagine. This year the two that caught me off guard were Captain Underpants and Papa Smurf. So, while I am still debating on whether the price was worth trouble, overall it was a fun experience, proving that even when a convention sucks, it can still be worthwhile to attend. What experiences, good or bad, have you had at conventions? Overall, do you feel they are worth the time and effort you put into them?

Aeryk is a delicate fondue of Viking and Cajun stock, with all the subtly, grace and refinement of a moonshine high colonic. He wiles away the late, late, late hours in orgies of sex and violence with the likes of "Sex With the Headless Corpse of the Virgin Astronaut". His iTunes library is named Bad Mother F****r despite the fact it has The Bangles Greatest Hits. At night his dreams are of being a paid para-professional, part-time writer.