4 Allusions To Batman's History In Batman #24

1. The Dark Knight

heath ledger the joker Ah yes, the gritty realistic Batman. This allusion is admittedly not a sure thing and could simply be me looking too much into it, yet given the number of references in here I'm pretty confident the mirroring was intentional. At the end of Christopher Nolan's modern classic The Dark Knight, we have a fistfight between ol' Bats and the Clown Prince of Crime, culminating in the Joker being thrown off a roof (a reference itself to the 1989 Batman) but being saved at the last second and tied to a metal pole. In Batman 24#, just a page after the previous allusion, we have Batman lying on a banister, unable to see and asking Alfred for help. Red Hood One then smashes him in the side with a large metal bar, shouting 'HAAA!' as he does it. This may only be a small detail, yet an almost identical blow occurs during the fight in DK, when Batman's sonar vision gets all messed up and the Joker hits him with a crowbar. Ok ok, this crowbar thing in the film was a nod to Death in The Family, and the bar used in this issue was more of a pipe than a crowbar, but that doesn't mean the link isn't there. This is a new continuity after all, so it's close enough for us to classify it as a reference. Even if it probably isn't one... Are there any allusions we missed? Let us know in the comments, or just tell us what you thought of the issue. The government may be down, but it's still a free country.

Oldfield is a journalist, reviewer, and amateur comic-book writer (meaning he's yet to be published). He's a man who'll criticise anything, even this biog, which he thinks is a bit crap. For notifications on when new articles are up and game related news, follow him on his Twitter account @DunDunDUH