5 Awesome Comics You Must Read This Week (7 March)

4. Moon Knight #1 - Warren Ellis And Declan Shalvey (Marvel)

Moonknight001 Comics legend Warren Ellis kicks off his first ongoing comic for years with the highly anticipated Moon Knight #1. When last we saw Marc Spector in Brian Bendis/Alex Maleev's run, he was in LA and believed he was also Wolverine, Spider-Man and Captain America as well as Moon Knight. Now, he's gone back to the East Coast and he's just the one superhero: Moon Knight, and he's solving "weird" crimes like the case of the former SHIELD agent turned psychopathic serial killer. I really like the revised look of Moon Knight. Before he had a cape and bird-like hood, hiding a completely shadowed-out face. His outfit resembled Batman's with the utility belt and crescent moon projectiles - except white. Here, he looks less like a superhero and a lot more like Ellis' Elijah Snow character from Planetary (if you've never read Planetary and you liked Ellis' writing in this issue - check it out, it is an amazing series) but with a full-face mask with a crescent moon symbol on the forehead. Moon Knight's entrance is also very cool, like the opening credits of a detective show. The wide panel shots of Moon Knight's character, licence plate, his tie, his crescent moon disc, and then we get the title card. I can almost hear a Naked Gun-esque theme song playing! Ellis' trademark snarky dialogue is as delightful as ever as the senior detective talks to his subordinate police officer about Moon Knight's presence as a private citizen rather than a vigilante and even Spector's psychologist has some nice barbs in her speech. Declan Shalvey's art is beautiful too, especially with the little gestures Marc makes as he surveys the crime scene - holding his chin with his hand, straightening his jacket. Minor movements that look comical given his masked appearance. Moon Knight #1 is a solid start to what looks like a really enjoyable series and a promising new direction for the character. Moon Knight as detective in a world going to hell while his own crumbling mind tries to heal itself? With Warren Ellis in the driving seat and his art team of Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire, there's no way this series goes anywhere but up.

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