5 Awesome Comics You Must Read This Week (18 September)

1. Batman '66 #3 by Jeff Parker, Joe Quinones and Sandy Jarrell (DC)

Batman66 03 Cover Zbadhjkv75 The always reliable and immensely fun title, Batman '66, is definitely the best of the bunch this week featuring two of the best Batman villains ever: Joker and Egghead. All of the Nolan fans who hate Adam West's Batman are just plain wrong in their judgement - Batman '66 wasn't embarrassing, it was genius! Every Batman fan knows this and doesn't need to see a dark and gritty Batman all the time - sometimes the Dark Knight needs to be the Caped Crusader, especially in the current New 52 climate where Batman is more intense and brooding than ever. This comic series is a continuation of the Batman '66 TV show where writer Jeff Parker gives Batman new adventures to go on in the same tone as the TV series. All of the characters are drawn like the actors who played them: Batman is Adam West, Robin is Burt Ward, and Joker is of course the incomparable Cesar Romero who is drawn with his moustache underneath the greasepaint (Romero famously refused to shave his 'tache for the role). The dastardly Red Hood is plotting a gas attack and Batman and Robin need Joker's help to stop him before he sets his plan in motion. This is Joker's first appearance in the series and I loved how Parker subverts readers' expectations with his introduction. In Arkham Asylum, Batman confronts the back of Joker who sits morbidly in his cell turned away in drab colours, and then, from the wings, the brightly colourful and camp Romero Joker pops up! The second story featuring Vincent Price's Egghead is as hilarious as you want it to be. Batman and Robin are held captive by Egghead in an egg-shaped plastic cell inside his Egg Zeppelin (!!) powered by whisks at its tail! Parker joyously goes nuts - or should I say over-eggs? - with the egg-puns and it's really funny to read. This being Batman '66, the comic has all the features you'd expect like the large sound effects during the fights and Robin's hairless bare legs and pixie shoes - still no Batusi though! However, unlike the TV show, Parker is able to put Batman and Robin in all sorts of elaborate setups free of TV budgets so we get to see West and Ward finagle their way out of insane scenarios like a plummeting egg cell from the sky, and Egghead's eggs-cellent lair. Batman '66 is a consistently entertaining series that's well worth reading for all Batman fans with a sense of humour about their beloved character, and of course is a must-read for all fans of the original series. #3 is no less a great issue and definitely worth picking up this week. * Those are my picks for this week - what're your comics of the week? Let me know in the comments below!
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