5 Marvel Comics Fashion Disasters Of The 1970s!

2. Falcon

Falcon The ground rules are stretched for the Falcon, given that his first appearance came in the waning months of 1969 in Captain America #117, but the Falcon more properly belongs to the 1970s than the 60s. This isn't the first time Falcon has proven himself exceptional, overcoming a bizarre origin story involving a body-swapped Captain America trapped on the Red Skull's Isle of Exiles and (yes) a truly dire costume to become a solid middle-tier Marvel character, even earning himself a co-starring role in this 2014's Captain America: The Winter Soldier film. Falcon is better known for his more stylish red-and-white costume, which he sported through the bulk of the 1970s, but his first costume was a muddy green-and-orange affair, with yet another plunging v-neck front-and-center. Despite his name, the Falcon was originally an earth-bound hero, so he couldn't even enhance his silhouette with the under-arm wings that would characterize his later costumes. No, this Falcon was just a color-blind brother with a v-neck and a precocious pet bird. Even Captain America seemed taken aback by Falcon's appearance. Falcon And Cap The Falcon had the last laugh, though, as the high-tech costume sported by Anthony Mackie in Captain America: Winter Soldier seems certain to send the Falcon soaring to the front rank of Marvel's cinematic superheroes.

My name is Paul O’Connor and I blog about comic books. My emphasis is on Bronze Age (1970-1985) comic book nostalgia and reviews, with an occasional look at more modern work. Join me at my blog, www.LongboxGraveyard.com, where it's always 1978!