5 Reasons You Should Be Reading Daredevil

4. The New 'Status Quo'

Marvel ComicsMarvel ComicsIt's such a massive cliché to make reference to how a series "reboot" is essential because of the way it alters and changes the previous incarnations status quo, but in this case there's simply no denying what this book really does. While not only forcing their protagonist into unfamiliar surroundings by moving him to San Francisco, Waid and his team also manage to inflict similar change and upheaval onto some of Daredevil's important recurring characters. Perhaps most importantly has been what the series has done for Matt Murdock's longstanding best friend 'Foggy Nelson'. After the events of the end of Waid's previous Daredevil run - and before the continuation here - it was decided that Foggy's life was no longer safe and that it would be best to fake his death and allow him to live under the radar. As a character who has suffered so long for being close to Matt Murdock/Daredevil, this shift could free him up for a drastically altered role in the future of Daredevil's life. While he has previously been pulled from pillar to post by Murdock, we could now see more growth for this sympathetic and, at times, unfairly downtrodden character. It's not just Foggy who could be taking on an altered importance in Daredevil's life, either. From early in issue #1 of this San Francisco-based series it becomes apparent that Daredevil is going to need some serious help manoeuvring around as well as he was able to in New York. Cue Kristin McDuffie; a previously romanticised character who is now stepping into a far more integral role as she communicates with Daredevil and helps him get used to his new surroundings. Like Batman's 'Oracle', this is a newly important role for McDuffie, and is indicative of the way this run is cleverly re-jigging Daredevil's supporting characters and perhaps even altering a few allegiances along the way...
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.