5 Reasons Why You Should Be Reading American Vampire

5. Skinner Sweet

Skinner Sweet is an outlaw. A horrible person with his own set of ethics of what is acceptable and right. Being a criminal shouldn't make him likable but there's something, dare i say it, cool about this guy. He absolutely does not care what he does and to who. In fact, there's a side of Skinner that, when he loses it, makes him very unpredictable. He has no loyalty to anyone but at the heart of it all he does seem to care for Pearl. Skinner also loves candy. He is forever eating candy canes to add to his staple diet of blood. This all builds a complex character that is hard to figure out. One time, he may help you and the next he may kill you. And the thing is, most of this was applicable when he was a cowboy, let alone when he becomes a vampire.

In Summary

This is a series that people should be checking out. The stories are epic and span decades, the artwork is gorgeous and eye catching, the characters are interesting and of course, there's Skinner Sweet. If that isn't enough, there is enough vampire fighting and blood and gore to satisfy horror fans. It also features contributions from Sean Murphy and from the horror writer Stephen King. I have to give a final congratulations to Scott Snyder and Rafa Alberquerque for creating a world both familiar and engaging that wants you to come back for more. I could go on about how much I enjoy moments in this series but I want to keep this fairly spoiler free in the hopes that people go out and find it for themselves. In a way, the discovery of a good title is a great feeling and for that new fans, i am jealous of you all.

I am a long time reader of comics, player of video games, watcher of movies and listener of movies. I also follow WWE in the hope that I am one day rewarded. Currently pulling All-New X-Men, Gambit, Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, Batman, Justice League (Trinity War) and Superman Unchained. I buy a lot of New 52, Marvel Now and Image Graphic Novels as well.