50 Reasons Why BATMAN Is The Greatest Superhero Ever

21. The Utility Belt

A veritable Mary Poppins bag of weapons and gadgets, any eventuality that Batman meets in the field can be toppled using something from his iconic utility belt. It can contain anything from grapnel gun attachments, smoke bombs, special batarangs and signal disruptors, even kryptonite. For me, a cooler superhero accessory just doesn€™t exist.

22. Batarangs

To my mind, Batarangs are the single coolest weapon in any Superhero€™s arsenal. They€™re essentially modified Shuriken or throwing stars, and they act as a constant reminder of Batman€™s all-encompassing combat ability. This is another mark of the character€™s inherent humanity; that his primary offensive weapon is little more than a piece of sharpened metal. There€™s no power per se, just a man at the absolute pinnacle of his ability.

23. Grappling

The Grapnel gun is part and parcel of Batman€™s human charm and part of an undeniably iconic image from pop culture (Adam West and Burt Ward scaling €˜up€™ the side of a building? Holy trick-photography, Batman!). He can€™t do the things that other Super-powered heroes can do, but that doesn€™t mean he can€™t get around. There€™s something infinitely inspirational about a guy who just won€™t accept his physical limitations.

24. Gliding

Of course, what goes up must come down. Like every other aspect of Batman€™s character, his ability to glide not only serves a functional purpose in aiding his mobility but it also creates an opportunity for him to strike fear in any goon who happens to looks up, without him having to stop to put them in the hospital. As with his other abilities, gliding isn€™t exactly outside the realms of human possibility. Of course, it€™s unfeasible (but come on, we€™re reading comic books, we€™re clearly not after feasibility) that such consistent height and speed could be maintained in the confines of a city, but if you€™ve ever been on a hang-glider you€™ll most likely have thought to yourself €œI bet this is how Batman feels€. It€™d be impossible to relate in this particular way with almost any other Superhero I can think of.

25. The Bat Cave

It houses literally the entire Bat-legacy: from Batsuits to Batmobiles, as well as trophies of victory and oh, who could forget, a giant T-Rex statue. It€™s Batman€™s equivalent to Superman€™s Fortress of Solitude, although instead of being gifted with the Batcave (as Superman was gifted with his own crystalline retreat and indeed his entire power set), he built it from nothing just as he built his own legend. In fact the Batcave is conceptually similar to Bruce Wayne himself in many ways; where there once was a dark, endless void deep beneath the surface, now resides the Batman. There are plenty of physical and metaphorical barriers that he places around himself and his secret identity, but the Batcave is by far the most awesome.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.