6 Awesome Comics You Must Read This Week - (4 September)

4. The Star Wars #1 by JW Rinzler and Mike Mayhew (Dark Horse)

The Star Wars Based upon George Lucas' very first rough draft of Star Wars, The Star Wars is like picking up a bootlegged Chinese copy of Star Wars - the elements all kinda seem familiar but are different enough to be noticeable. In this book, the Jedi-Bendu are the most feared warriors in the universe who have been hunted down by the Knights of Sith, a rival warrior sect in league with the New Empire. After fending off an attack by a Sith, Seig Darklighter and his son Annikin head to Acquilae, the last Jedi outpost, to meet General Luke Skywalker. But the Empire is headed to Aquilae as well to quash the last rebellion once and for all! So many things jump out at you - provided you're familiar with the original Star Wars film - when reading this comic. Luke is totally different, looking more like George Lucas as he is today but thin, Leia is a highschooler, while Darth Vader looks like a beefy Heinrich Himmler with a glowing red eye - there's no trace of the iconic helmet. Details in the story would get moved about in the final versions of the story like Annikin's dad, Seig, who is mostly machine, would later become Darth Vader, while the Empire capital is Alderaan and looks like Bespin's Cloud City! Even the TIE fighters look skewed with the Stardestroyers and red lightsabers about the only things that resemble the Star Wars we all know and love. The Star Wars #1 is a fascinating comic that takes a look at what might have been had Lucas not revised the script and fans will love seeing the strange choices Lucas initially made when conceiving of his space opera. There's no sign of Han Solo, Chewy, and the droids yet but this series looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. May the Force of others be with you all!
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