6 Mega Universe Changing Spoilers From DC’s Convergence #8

6. Parallax Takes Centre Stage By Killing Deimos

Remember back in the 90€™s when the Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, when insane after the villain Mongul destroyed his city, renamed himself €œParallax€ and proceeded to murder the entire Green Lantern Corps? If you don€™t, it€™s okay. Many have of us have tried to forget about it too. Nevertheless, this was a seminal moment in DC€™s history as it led to the event Zero Hour: A Crisis in Time where Parallax reset time in the DC Universe. Steeped in 90€™s continuity, Zero Hour is by far the most obscure DC Crisis to date, yet the events of this story allowed DC to clean house and sort out some problematic characters (like Hawk Man€ don€™t ask) whose stories suffered much convolution after the 1985 Crisis on Infinite Earths. Confused? That€™s comics. Anyway, back to Convergence #8. At the beginning of this issue, we see the fall out of Convergence #7: Parallax (who was abducted from his original timeline along with many others throughout the history of the DC Universe) killed Deimos. Upon doing so, Parallax unleashes massive amounts of temporal (as in €œtime€) energy that turns the planet Tellos, as Dr Fate says, into €œa proverbial bullet that will shatter the Multiverse.€ Parallax then tries to, yet again, reset time like he did in Zero Hour, but he is stopped by Telos (the character €“ not the planet), who ominously announces that the countdown to the destruction of the Multiverse has begun when€

Since childhood, Bryant has been an avid fan of superheroes, and he has been reading comic books since 2006. His full name is "George Bryant Lucas"; however, after enduring countless Darth Vader jokes, he has chosen to go by his middle name. Born and raised in the United States, Bryant is currently living with his lovely wife in the country side of Wiltshire County, UK. Bryant does suffer from a mild case of dyslexia; misspellings and homonyms are to be expected on occasion.