60 Greatest Ever Marvel Comic Book Covers

35. Marvels # 4 (Alex Ross)

It's hard to think of one series from Marvel that has so many incredible covers, but this particular piece of artwork is Alex Ross's highest entry on this list. The story of how Green Goblin killed Gwen Stacy is central to the character of Spider-Man and while many artists have explored the relationship between Peter and his arch nemesis, none have so succinctly captured the root of their conflict since. The close up on Spidey's eye and its reflection is a thousand times more powerful than a wider panoramic view could have ever been.

34. Uncanny X-Men #1 (Jack Kirby)

The worlds first introduction to the X-Men is a classic in the realm of comic book covers, showcasing all five founding members and their arch nemesis Magneto together in their first encounter. The angle makes it feel like the mutants are leaping out of the page at you in a simple, but effective layout. There are a few strange things to note though. First, what good is throwing snowballs going to do against the Master of Magnetism? Secondly, I wish Angel used a bazooka more often. It looks awesome. Finally, Marvel Girl just looks lazy, casually hanging back while the rest of the team dive into the fold. Is this an example of sexism from the House of Ideas or was Kirby just trying to vary the poses? We may never know...

33. Incredible Hulk #377 (Dale Keown)

This is a significant issue as it's the first time we encounter an intelligent version of the Hulk, which is why the word 'new' is squeezed into the title. The bold neon colors shouldn't work, they really shouldn't, but somehow, the silhouette of the Hulk against the bright green background is one of the most eye catching Hulk covers of all time. Even the fluorescent pink title is effective and that's a phrase I never thought I would say about a comic book.

32. Captain America #110 (Jim Steranko)

Now, this is the Hulk we all know and love. On this cover, Steranko draws one of the most intimidating versions of the Hulk that has ever been seen. Bucky looks like a gnat under the imposing bulk and sheer size of the gamma irradiated monster while Captain America looks on, hopelessly outgunned. Classic Silver Age Marvel at its finest!

31. Uncanny X-Men #136 (John Byrne)

The Dark Phoenix Saga is considered by many fans to be the definitive X-Men story line but whether you agree with this or not, it cannot be denied that the plot produced some stunning cover art. Cyclops expression is heartbreaking as he holds Jean in his arms and the framing of each supporting character behind is perfectly done. Also, eagle-eyed fans may notice that the X-Men logo is cracked around the edges... that's something we'll come back to later.
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David is a primary school teacher who tries his best to turn every math lesson into a discussion on the latest Pixar film. Passions include superheroes, zombies and Studio Ghibli. In between going to the cinema, moving to South Korea and eating his body weight in KFC, David writes for a number of movie sites, http://becarefulyourhand.blogspot.co.uk/