7 Additional Characters From Guardians Of The Galaxy Comics That Need To Be Part Of Future Movies

4. Phyla-Vell

Phyla-Vell comes from a legacy of Marvel cosmic icons, and her arc in the Dan Abnett/Andy Lanning would make for a worthwhile movie by itself, especially if Marvel wants to focus on more of its female heroes. Phyla-Vell has gone by various names over the years: Captain Marvel, Quasar and Martyr to name a few. She€™s the artificially created daughter of the original Captain Mar-Vell (a Stan Lee/Gene Colan creation from 1967) and sister to Genis-Vell (who spent some time as Captain Marvel himself). In the Guardians comics, she strikes a deal with the cosmic villain Oblivion, to resurrect her dead girlfriend Moondragon in exchange for Phyla becoming the avatar of Death. Phyla-Vell€™s obligations to Oblivion and Death make her a wild card in the series. During what is supposed to be a peaceful negotiation with Black Bolt and the Inhumans, Phyla-Vell takes Inhuman princess Crystal hostage thanks to hear deal with Oblivion. In a later issue, when trying to escape imprisonment at the hands of the evil Magus, she inadvertently frees Thanos and brings the Mad Titan back into the Marvel Universe (and gets killed for her troubles).

Mark is a professional writer living in Brooklyn and is the founder of the Chasing Amazing Blog, which documents his quest to collect every issue of Amazing Spider-Man, and the Superior Spider-Talk podcast. He also pens the "Gimmick or Good?" column at Comics Should Be Good blog.