7 Awesome Batman Gadgets That You Can Actually Own

6. Grapnel Gun

In Batman: The Dark Knight isn€™t restricted to the ground, not by a long shot, even outside of the Batwing. You€™ll have seen Bats use this iconic piece of gadgetry more than once in whatever you€™ve been exposed to over the years. In Reality: There have recently been some exciting developments in this technology that takes the grapnel gun out of fantasy and places it firmly into the realm of reality. From the good people at Digital Force Technologies comes the T-PLS (or Tactical Pneumatic Launch System). This badboy is a pneumatically powered tactical line launcher developed for the US Army that fires a titanium grappling hook towing a 7mm Kevlar line in excess of 120 vertical feet. Of course it€™s massive and has about a tenth of the practicality of Batman€™s own Grapnel Gun but Christ, its one huge step in the right direction.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.