7 Best Grant Morrison Comics

7. The InvisiblesInvisibles What€™s to be said about Grant Morrison€™s Magnum Opus that hasn€™t already been said? The tale of a cabal of super spies protecting reality from an inter-dimensional invasion was a consummate countercultural manifesto and pop culture guide. It€™s a strange psychedelic hybrid; the bastard child of a globe-trotting James Bond-style spy tale with McGoohan-esque The Prisoner sensibilities. The Invisibles adroitly maps a mind-bending story of transvestite Shamans, psychic assassins, street punk Buddha€™s, dark scorpion gods, time-travel, UFO€™s, Magick and inter-dimensional invasions. The story of The Invisibles follows one of many cells of The Invisible College. Led by the enigmatic King Mob, the group is made up of Brazilian transvestite Shaman Lord Fanny, Boy - a former New York cop, Ragged Robin €“ a telepath from the future with a mysterious backstory, and Jack Frost, a teenage Liverpudlian hooligan who may or may not be the reincarnation of Buddha, in their battles against the Archons of the Outer Church, a powerful force from another dimension which has already enslaved much of humanity. A rich vein of duality runs through the series; we are constantly given juxtaposing ideas; order and chaos, freedom and control, but these opposing themes collapse and are condensed towards the end of the series. Morrison makes it clear that duality is an illusion, there is no €œThem and Us€, no Yin and Yang, there is only one thing, one existence and we€™re all just viewing it from different sides. With themes of philosophy, theology, cosmology, conspiracy theory, metaphysics, gnosticism, chaos magick and pop music, "The Invisibles€ is a revolution in comic form.


I write comic books, prose, short stories, horror fiction, articles, blogs, tweets and what-not. I'm a Film-maker, Cinema-lover, Musician, Father, Husband, Son, lover, fighter. A seeker of the Universal Truth. A student of Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I also write for Disinfo.com. Find me on twitter @johnybhoy.