7 Best Grant Morrison Comics

3. Animal Man

animal-man Grant€™s very first €œBig€ comic. Hired by DC on their UK Talent Harvest, Grant pitched Animal Man and was immediately snapped up. A huge supporter of animal rights, Grant took a C-list superhero and turned him into an A-lister by subverting the superhero genre and taking Animal Man into the meta-universe. During the course of his arc, Animal Man comes to the realisation that his destiny and his life is being controlled by a powerful being known as €œThe Writer€ (the first appearance of Grant Morrison in fictional form!) Animal Man begins a journey of conscious awakening till he can confront The Writer and ask him why he was subjected to such tragedy and injustice. It was in this story that the larger world first caught a glimpse of Grant€™s genius and whets the public€™s appetite for more forward thinking, mind bending writing.

I write comic books, prose, short stories, horror fiction, articles, blogs, tweets and what-not. I'm a Film-maker, Cinema-lover, Musician, Father, Husband, Son, lover, fighter. A seeker of the Universal Truth. A student of Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I also write for Disinfo.com. Find me on twitter @johnybhoy.