5. Steve Rogers/Captain America (2005)

One of the oldest and most iconic superheroes ever, Steve Rogers aka Captain America, turned himself in at the end of the Civil War storyline in 2005, an event where superheroes were required to register their secret identities with the US Government. Cap led the resistance faction but eventually gave in, only to be shot on the steps of the courthouse he had just exited in chains. After being shot with a sniper rifle by Crossbones, one of the Red Skulls henchmen, a brainwashed Sharon Carter dealt the death blow to Steve, shooting him at point blank range. Steve Rogers was declared dead and his old sidekick, James Bucky Barnes - himself no stranger to death and resurrection, known upon his return from supposed-death as the Winter Soldier - became the new Captain America. A complex storyline about the Red Skull and Arnim Zola taking political control of America and an even more complex resurrection of Steve Rogers followed until in 2009 Steve Rogers returned to the Marvel Universe to become Captain America once more. Apparently the gun he was shot with froze him in space and time rather than kill him, bringing him back after making him live through the events of his life again. Travelling through time after being shot by a time bullet hmm, sounds like something another famous superhero went through recently Where can I read about the (supposed) death of Steve Rogers?
The Death of Captain America: The Complete Collection by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting