If you're a Batman reader, chances are you'll have read Batman: Hush, a questionable "classic" from writer Jeph Loeb and artist Jim Lee, and if you're a new reader, you're more than likely to have seen this appear on lists of recommended Batman books to start with. But actually Batman: Hush is a badly written, poorly conceived mess not even close to "classic" status as some would have you believe. The premise is that someone is targeting Batman leading to a rash of his greatest villains suddenly appearing to challenge him but why are these things happening now and who is the mysterious villain behind it all? While Hush reads like a Batman greatest hits compilation (which is the only reason I can imagine it being recommended to readers unfamiliar with the character) it is a confusing mishmash of nonsensical ideas, terrible plotting and bad characterisation, all of which makes Hush one of the worst Batman books ever written. I will give Hush this: it is a good-looking book. I'm not the biggest Jim Lee fan but his work on Hush is ok. The reasons why Hush is such a bad Batman book lie solely with writer Jeph Loeb and his hacky writing and terrible plotting. So why is Batman: Hush so completely overrated? Read on...