8 Biggest Things To Come Out Of Doomsday Clock #1

4. Nite Owl Has Retired (Again)

Doomsday Clock Nite Owl Suit
DC Comics

In the original Watchmen comic, Dan Dreiberg was the second Nite Owl and one who'd taken the decision to retire the mantle once the government set about outlawing vigilantism in the seventies. In 1992, it looks as though he's repeated the process all over again, with little chance of reemerging, so it would seem.

The whereabouts of Silk Spectre are also unknown in the book, but Ozymandias definitely vocalises his attempts to 'lure' Nite Owl back for his scheme, so it stands to reason that Laurie was involved in some way too, seeing as how they ended the story as a pair of sorts.

It's unclear as to whether or not Johns has brushed aside these characters for the remainder of Doomsday Clock's story, seeing as how we know that a great deal of it will take place on New Earth, but one would hope not. Dreiberg and Laurie were two of Watchmen's most interesting characters, and it's unlikely they'd be sitting on the sidelines with the entire world at stake.

For now at least, all of the Owl's gadgets are at Ozymandias' disposal. One panel certainly focuses on the Nite Owl II suit, so it could be the case that it factors into the story later on.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.