8 Comic Book Villains Whose Own Desires Are Their Downfall

1. The Joker

The Joker
DC Comics/Philip Tan

Without doubt, The Joker is one the greatest – if not the greatest – villains in the history of comics.

The unique insanity of the Clown Prince of Crime has led to some of the most shocking moments ever committed to a comic book panel, and this is a rogue that has tormented Batman from a whole host of different angles.

When thinking about it, though, The Joker can never really win in his twisted plan to off the Dark Knight. Sure, he’s spent decades seemingly trying to kill Batman, and his whole purpose of being is to cause chaos for the Caped Crusader. If the Jester of Genocide did kill off Batman, then what?

This has all actually already been explored back in Legends of the Dark Knight’s Going Sane arc. In that tale, we saw a Joker cease to be, well, The Joker.

Believing that Batman was dead, Mr. J regains his sanity and settles down for a life of normality under the name of Joseph Kerr. It’s only when Batman resurfaces three issues later that we see The Joker become a crazed villain once again, proving that The Joker can never truly defeat Batman if he himself is to continue being the sinister sort we all know and love.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.