8 Completely Implausible Superhero Origin Stories

6. Bouncing Boy

The Origin: Bouncing Boy doesn€™t just have a ridiculously implausible origin, he€™s also quite possibly the lamest, most unglamorous Superhero in DC€™s entire roster. He is Chuck Taine of Earth, member of D.C€™s rubbish Legion of Superheroes and he has the amazing power to€ well, to inflate like a ball and bounce around looking like a complete pleb. He received his powers one fateful day when he mistakenly drank, and I quote, €œSuper Plastic Formula€, which he mistakenly believed to be a soda. This is a terrible message to give to kids, am I wrong? €˜Hey boys and girls, if you drink as much crap in a bottle that you can get your greedy paws on - don€™t think about what€™s in it, just do it - then maybe one day, you€™ll get superpowers!€™ Lazy writing, or the terrifying prophecy of a nation in the grips of an obesity epidemic? Lazy writing, without a doubt. In Reality: First off, I imagine it€™d be pretty difficult to willingly swallow too much of an industrial chemical before you realised it wasn€™t Fanta, and spat it all over whoever you were with in panic. And for what possible reason would a substance have been invented that boasted properties like €˜giving whoever drinks it the ability to inflate themselves into a ball€™? Even by comic book science standards, this is a hell of a lot to expect an audience to get behind. Liquid rubber based chemicals are usually some form of latex compound €“ extremely thick, viscous and presumably difficult to swallow €“ which is usually used in the manufacture things like tyres, right down to condoms. This greedy little bastard would have undoubtedly killed himself by ingesting whatever that chemical was; either that, or it€™d have been an interesting time in the bathroom the next morning.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.