8 DC Characters Shamelessly Ripped-Off From Marvel

5. Killer Croc Is Just Like The Lizard

Killer Croc DC
DC Comics

While Killer Croc has cemented his place in Batman's rogues gallery with a series of stellar appearances ("...I threw a rock at him!"), the Dark Knight's scaly adversary isn't entirely original, or perhaps as compelling as another reptilian villain from the medium.

Doctor Curt Connors - AKA the Lizard - made his comics debut in 1963's Amazing Spider-Man #6, and proceeded to become one of the character's most iconic and tragic adversaries in doing so. Killer Croc, on the other hand, made his first appearance in 1983 as a largely physical threat for Batman to deal with. While he's since blossomed into something a little bit more than that, conforming more to the horror genre than your average everyday brute, those visual comparisons to the Lizard are difficult to ignore.

Plus, there's also the fact that there's just a whole lot more to Curt Connors than Croc himself. The Lizard, prior to and immediately after his transformation, plays a pivotal role in the development of Peter Parker's transformation into Spider-Man. Croc, on the other hand, often acts as a menace and little else when pitted against Batman, lacking the depth to compete with the Caped Crusader's most revered adversaries, critically speaking.

There's a great deal to separate the pair, but if we were to play favourites with our reptiles, the Lizard would win each time.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.