8 DC Characters Shamelessly Ripped-Off From Marvel

1. Red Hood's Anti-Heroics Mirrored Bucky's

Red Hood
DC Comics

Controversial opinion time: Jason Todd was much better off dead.

While there's no denying the merits of the 2011 animated 'Under the Red Hood' feature film, Judd Winick's original text chronicling Todd's return to the land of the living wasn't nearly as good. The fact it arrived the very same year that Bucky Barnes - Captain America's wartime sidekick - returned from the grave, probably didn't make things any easier, as series writer Ed Brubaker was in the midst of his character defining run on the hero.

And while there was plenty to separate the stories at the time, with Todd lacking the amnesia that typified the Winter Soldier's early days, the success of Brubaker's story provoked DC to persist with Todd for the future, turning him into an anti-hero along the lines of Bucky and positioning him right alongside the Bat-family in the wake of the New 52.

There's plenty to separate the two characters, particularly in relation to their respective careers as sidekicks, but one can't help but get the feeling their concurrent resurgence felt a little more than coincidental.

Bucky's still better though.

Are there any other Marvel characters you feel DC pilfered? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!


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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.