8 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Bullseye

7. He Kills For Fun

Bullseye Marvel
Marvel Comics

When assassins like Elektra, Black Widow, and Taskmaster kill a target, they do everything in their power to avoid leaving a paper trail. Bullseye, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about “keeping quiet.” When he gets bored, Bullseye picks up paperclips, cards, pencils, etc. and launches them outside, killing anyone they strike.

One time, he burst the tire of an ambulance with a paperclip. The ambulance crashed, killing half a dozen people. That’s right. He killed six people with one paperclip.

When he was told to murder a man in Colombia, Bullseye was told to commit the assassination with absolute discretion. As soon as he arrived in the Colombia airport, he killed 20 passer-bys and tossed around leaflets that read, “I’M COMING FOR YOU. LOVE BULLSEYE.” Basically, he has never been a fan of subtlety.

And if you thought that was too over-the-top, he has, in his own words, "tracked an eskimo huntsman on foot across 200 miles of Arctic tundra and killed him with nothing but an icicle made from my own frozen feces." When Kingpin asked Bullseye who hired him to do that job, he said, "No one. I did it for fun." The most disturbing part about that anecdote is that might not be the most disturbing thing that Bullseye has done!


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