8 Reasons Why Daredevil Is Marvel's Greatest Superhero

6. Matt Murdock Has Been Through Hell And Back

Marvel Comics

When you think of those characters who have managed to endure the most and triumphed against all odds, chances are the first figures that come to mind are either of the wall-crawling persuasion, or skull-clad ex-military types who execute copious amounts of bad guys in quests for revenge.

Despite the sombre demeanour, not many know of the trials and tribulations Matt Murdock has faced. Here is a man who has experienced his entire life being taken from him, time and again, by enemies he just can't seem to stop. Born Again depicted Murdock bloodied, bruised and exasperated. Karen Page had been ravaged by drug abuse, Nelson & Murdock had been ripped right underneath the attorney's feat, and his revered vigilante persona was shattered to pieces.

Of course, Murdock's meticulously crafted rise to revenge is equally as compelling as his original downfall was, but the story of torment and abuse doesn't just begin and end with Born Again. No, further stories would leave Murdock with innumerable broken relationships, his secret identity compromised, and - though not a narrative success by anyone's definition - even a newfound status as the self-anointed murderous king of Hell's Kitchen in Shadowland. Bit of a hectic life to live, is it not?

Daredevil is as much a courtroom drama as it is an enthralling chronicle of the underdog overcoming ridiculous odds to do the right thing. It's a tale best exemplified in Waid's run on the character, but no matter what comic book you pick up, you're guaranteed to experience emotive highs and lows. It really is character-driven story telling at its finest.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.