8 Strangest Alternate Versions Of Beloved Superheroes

6. Marvel's Clark Kent

Spider Man Hostess
Marvel Comics

In the Marvel universe exists a mild-mannered, klutzy reporter who works for a newspaper, is married to Lois Lane, has a best pal called Jimmy Olsen and looks completely identical to Clark Kent of DC fame in every single way. Sound like someone familiar?

Well, it should, except that this Clark Kent isn't a bird, he isn't a plane, and he isn't Superman either.

This version of Clark Kent is, well, exactly that. He's Clark Kent. Just a regular schmuck, who has no outstanding or fantastical powers of any shape or form. He is, in the most literal sense, just some guy. It's hard to say exactly why the writers over at Marvel decided to just straight up copy and paste Clark Kent into their universe but, since his first appearance in X-Men #98 back in 1976, he's appeared in over twenty separate issues spanning across more than ten separate comic series.

He's been spotted in Avengers #327 and Ghost Rider vol. 3 #26, in which he gets thoroughly embarrassed attempting to save Lois Lane from an attack by the villain Blackout. One of his most recent appearances, in Fantastic Four vol. 3 #538, had him and several others travel to the site of Thor's hammer Mjolnir in a bid to see if he too was worthy enough to lift it.

Spoiler alert, he wasn't, but that being said there isn't any actual evidence against this version of Clark Kent having any kind of hidden, otherworldly super powers. Can't help but think DC wouldn't be too pleased if he did start shooting lasers out of his eyes though.

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