8 Terrible Comic Book Events Marvel And DC Wish You'd Forget

7. One More Day

One More Day

The only three words required to make any Spidey fan quiver in fear, 'One More Day' - the brainchild of Marvel writer/artist Joe Quesada - presided over a massive retcon of Spidey's history; one that effectively erased the character's marriage with Mary Jane.

The reasons behind the retcon may have made sense in some respects; Peter had famously unveiled his secret identity to the world in Civil War, which, as most Spidey fans will know, would've spelled disaster for his friends and family, but there were other motivations at play here. Quesada in particular felt that, for some bizarre reason, Peter shouldn't be married, and so the main causality of the series wasn't the legitimacy of Civil War as an event, but the Parker/MJ dynamic as a whole.

One More Day was constructed in an attempt to reinvigorate the Spidey license, but all it really did was alienate readers and, in no small way, produce a reductive conclusion to a very nuanced and engaging relationship - one that had existed in the medium for over forty years. Further still, the event bookended what had until that point been a very engaging run on the character, orchestrated by one J. Michael Straczynski, and ensured that the writer wouldn't be able to end the series on his own terms. Whatever form that would've taken is still unclear, but it's not hard to imagine that JMS would've left the character in a more interesting place than what Quesada and co. left him with in Brand New Day the following year.

For diehard fans of the Pete/Mj relationship, this event is one to stay way, way clear of.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.