8 Terrible Comic Book Events Marvel And DC Wish You'd Forget

4. The New 52

DC The New 52
DC Comics

Whilst not technically an event per se, the New 52 was steeped in controversy, to say the very least.

A major reset/reboot/whatever of mainstream DC continuity, the initiative depicted a world where heroes had only really been around for five or so years. A hard reboot would've been fine if DC had actually followed through with things, and created a diverse library for people to jump onto, but they didn't, and readers were forced to navigate a hodgepodge of continuity that used certain things from the pre-reboot continuity but then ignored other things entirely.

Things didn't really make much sense, and, although the initiative was certainly commercially successful, it was a massive departure for the old guard among DC's audience. The New 52 did away with a lot of the universe's history, and, while there were certainly critical successes contained within the relaunch, none of them owed their success to the reboot, which only seemed to disrupt the creative flow of many of the writers having to navigate the transition between pre and post-Flashpoint continuities.

Rebirth, thankfully, has found the perfect balance between the new and old continuities, having restored many of the legacies and characters that went missing during 2011's creative relaunch.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.