8 Things DC Want You To Forget About Harley Quinn

2. 2008's Joker Graphic Novel

Harkey Quinn Joker Brian Azzarello
DC Comics

Although Brian Azzarello's 2008 Joker OGN bears many aesthetic similarities with Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, they're unconnected. Probably for the better, mind you, considering the series' depiction of Harley Quinn.

In the book, Harley's role is further marginalised, with the character taking on the role of Joker's dialogue-less henchwoman and stripper. She doesn't have a single line to boast, and while Lee Bermejo's art is as wonderful as ever, Harley once again comes up short, taking on a role unbefitting of a character of her stature.

The book itself was controversial, with the Joker doing plenty of twisted things in it that even the mainstream clown would probably find repellant. And while itt might just be the one story, Harley doesn't really benefit from it at all.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.